Grateful Morning #5

Lord, Thank You for blessing me with another day of this wonderful life on this beautiful planet and for guiding me and protecting me so far and I pray you to keep me protected from negative energies in the long journey ahead. And I want to thank each one of the 11 people who have followed this blog

and all those who have liked any of the posts on this blog from the bottom of my heart.

Also thanks to Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon

For creating this amazing animated series known as ‘Rick and Morty’

Which very funny and mind blowing and has very complex mind boggling sci-fi scenarios.

Grateful Morning #3

Lord, Thank You for blessing me with another day of this wonderful life on this beautiful planet and for guiding me and protecting me so far and I pray you to keep me protected from negative energies in the long journey ahead. Also, I want to thank each one of the 6 people who followed this blog.

And all those who liked my posts. You monkeys(reference to an earlier post) keep me motivated. Thanks to all of you.

We hit another milestone. It’s great. I mean, It’s only been 3 days since I started this blog. According to the stats, This blog has had 14 different visitors and I have 6 followers right now. Which means I have a follower rate of……

42.857142…..%. WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO. Thats great. Keep that number in mind. Might come in handy.

Diary entry #2

Enough of this laziness. I quit it. I quit being lazy. I have work to do. I got less than 35 days to go for my CBSE 12th board exams. And I’ve got a lot to study. I cannot afford this wastage of time amymore. I promise not to waste a moment starting from the moment I wake up tomorrow morning. I don’t know how but I will get 90+ and I will get a respectable in JEE MAINS 2019 examinations which is being held twice a year for the very first time in history. I have failed the January one. I have to do something in the April one. I cannot drop. I have to got climb out of this phase.


Unscramble challenge #1

Hey monkeys (I decided I will call my fans as ‘monkeys’). Its the first unscramble challenge. The rules are simple. Unscramble the words given below and Leave your answers in comments. The correct answer will be posted 24 hours later. The first person to answer correctly win a pink coloued Unicorn. Its obviously a female.

And the words are


Stay tuned for correct answer.